DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-995572-5-5/08
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Aleitamento materno. Empreendedorismo. Promoção da saúde.
KEYWORDS: Breastfeeding. Entrepreneurship. Health promotion.
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: To analyze through the literature the main information about breastfeeding consultation by nurses, as well as to show whether there are benefits for breastfeeding. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a literature review. Data collection took place through access to the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Latin American Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). RESULTS: Several reasons make breastfeeding consultation beneficial for both mother and baby. Some of the benefits are: personalized support directed to the client' s needs, monitoring of breastfeeding, practical solutions for the breastfeeding mother' s routine; tips on ideal positions for breastfeeding and economy regarding the use of formulas. CONCLUSION: From the study, it was possible to emphasize that breastfeeding consulting is an entrepreneurial practice that promotes benefits for the child and for the role of nursing in entrepreneurial practices aimed at health education. The study contributes to new professional perspectives and strategies to encourage the practice of breastfeeding.
Ana Paula Gomes da Silva
Brenda Pinheiro Evangelista
Breno Pinheiro Evangelista
Cícero Geison Pereira Dias
Edlane Vieira Pessoa Rolim
Ilma Santos Menezes da Silva
Kamylla de Aquino Barbosa
Taciane Raquel de Oliveira Lima
Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino