DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-995572-5-5/02
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Surdez. Violência contra a mulher. Acessibilidade. Enfermagem.
KEYWORDS: Deafness. Violence against women. Accessibility. Nursing.
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: Identify communication limitations in the care of deaf women victims of violence. METHODS: This is a descriptive, exploratory research with a qualitative approach. The study was carried out in the Family Health Strategies (ESF) in the city of Iguatu/CE, carried out from September to December 2020. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: In view of the findings, it was noticed that it is not common to carry out actions aimed at this audience. Unfortunately, professionals are not prepared to serve the deaf community due to lack of knowledge about LIBRAS. This weakness favors the reproduction of significant violence in their care. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS It was observed that the nurses' knowledge in the care of deaf women who experience cases of violence is very important. The lack of training in the health service itself for these professionals is something that defines what kind of assistance will be provided to this public. It is noteworthy that the proposed theme has few studies in the area, configuring it as a complex social phenomenon that increasingly needs to be worked on.
Claudenisa Mara de Araújo Vieira
Estefani Alves Melo
Isabela Rocha Siebra
Isadora Gonçalves de Oliveira
Letícia Gomes da Silva
Luciano Gualberto Soares
Mariana Andrade de Freitas
Marina Barros Wenes Vieira
Patrícia Pereira Tavares de Alcantara
Thamires dos Santos Ferreira
Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino