DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-995572-4-8/09

PALAVRAS CHAVE: Saúde das Minorias. Direitos Civis. Integralidade em Saúde. Equidade em Saúde.

KEYWORDS: Minority Health. Civil Rights. Integrality in Health. Health Equity.

ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: Promote comprehensive health care for the black population in Brazil through a review of policies and publications on the subject. METHODS: This is a narrative review of the literature, although the approach used in this study used a minimally systematized search process. The National Policy for the Comprehensive Health of the Black Population (PNSIPN) and 08 articles resulting from the search through Descriptors in Health Sciences/Medical Subject Headings (DECs/MESH) were analyzed, combined by Boolean operators and applied in the Virtual Health Library: ' public policy' AND ' black population health' AND ' ethnic minority health' . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The temporal variation of the studies found was between the year 2013 and 2021, with a predominance of studies evaluating the PNSIPN. Racism in Brazil presents itself silently and causes considerable impacts on the lives of this population, which can be observed in the high rates of maternal and child mortality and violence in urban environments, which sustains these individuals in poorer classes and precarious conditions of life. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: It is evident the need for discussion about the health of the black population, and its particularities. Finally, the scarcity of studies on the subject is highlighted, as well as the difficulties in using the race/color criterion, making it difficult to disaggregate the information.


  • Denival Nascimento Vieira Júnior

  • Erielton Gomes da Silva

  • Gabriel Cunha da Silva

  • João Rafael da Silva Fonseca

  • Sara Joana Serra Ribeiro

Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino