DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-995572-4-8/11
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Depressão Pós-Parto. Filme Cinematográfico. Teoria das Representações Sociais. Saúde Mental. Suicídio.
KEYWORDS: Postpartum depression. Cinematic Film. Theory of Social Representations. Mental health. Suicide.
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: Elucidate the social representations of postpartum depression through the linear narrative of the fictional character Julie Davis, in the film entitled “A Mouthful of Air”, available on the HBO Max. METHODS: As a strategy documentary research in audiovisual media was used, of a qualitative nature on the subject addressed, involving the aforementioned film that tells the story of a woman who is unaware of her own fears, and faces an overwhelming battle for survival. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Depression and anxiety are the most common disorders in contemporary times, and the film warns that it is a sensitive work, where the connection between social representations can be interpreted as narrative information that influences discussions in the mental health area. Therefore, topics ranging from fiction to understanding, reflection of facts and events in the life of the subjects, are extraordinarily transformed as material of knowledge, and the film portrays the lack of recognition of depression and suicide through the interpretation of the pain of those who suffer from these conditions. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Fiction re-signifies the real, and working with social representations means recognizing the existence of new knowledge shared with common sense through new technologies.
Larissa Rosso Dutra
Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino