DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-995572-4-8/03
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Doadores de Sangue. Estudantes. Instituições de Ensino Superior. Serviço de Hemoterapia.
KEYWORDS: Blood Donors. Students. Higher Education Institutions. Hemotherapy Service.
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: Identify, according to the scientific literature, the uptake strategies developed for university students to become voluntary blood donors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a narrative review of the literature, carried out in LILACS, MEDLINE and BDENF databases. Use the following research strategy: Blood Donors AND Students AND Higher Education Institutions AND Hemotherapy Services. For the final sample, 12 articles were obtained. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: It was evident that the main guidelines for attracting voluntary blood donors, aimed at students from higher education institutions, were as follows: advertising reports linked to social networks; use of social networks, mainly Facebook® and Instagram® ; dissemination through pamphlets, posters and educational booklets about the importance of voluntary blood donation and the need to recruit and retain new volunteer donors. In addition, it was found that there were other strategies such as the development of mobile applications, external blood collection at universities and health education actions. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Therefore, it is essential to recruit and retain young university students through strategies to attract blood donors, as they constitute a healthy public capable of donating blood for long periods.
Ana Paula Araújo Viana Alencar
Erirlândia Alves Magalhães Araújo
Francinete Alves Felipe
Iara Maria Alves da Silva
Ingrid Mikaela Moreira de Oliveira
Luciana Maria Carlos da Silva
Maria Alanna Carvalho Lima
Natália Bastos Ferreira Tavares
Teodoro Marcelino da Silva
Tiago Ribeiro dos Santos
Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino