DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-84528-45-1/02
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Transtorno do espectro autista. Capacidades de enfrentamento. Transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento. Família de pessoas com deficiência. Saúde mental.
KEYWORDS: Autism spectrum disorder. Coping skills. Neurodevelopmental disorders. Family of people with disabilities. Mental health.
ABSTRACT: To describe the challenges and coping skills of parents in the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in their children. METHODS: A narrative review of the literature, with a descriptive and qualitative approach, was carried out using the following data sources: SciELO, LILACS via BVS, Google Scholar and CAPES Journals. The searches were performed using the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” and the DeCS/MeSH descriptors “autism spectrum disorder”, “child”, “adolescent”, “adult”, “adult children”, “parent-child relationships” and “coping skills”. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The challenges faced by parents are of diverse natures (social, emotional, psychological, pedagogical, economic and cultural). Thus, parents of children with more severe degrees of autism may have more complex challenges, and may accumulate challenges of different natures, resulting in a process of adaptation and transversal experience. The ability to cope can be acquired regardless of the family conditions of the subjects, as they are adaptable and accessible; strategies may include health education for parents and inclusion in groups of parents with autistic children, to exchange experiences and management methods. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The challenges faced by parents of autistic children are individual and multiple, but promoting coping can improve the prognosis of family coexistence.
Efraim Ricardo Souza Santos Filho
Joana D’arc de Souza Santos
Tania Maria Duarte Santos
Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino