DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-84528-35-2/05
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Autocuidado. Prevenção de doenças. Colaboração intersetorial. Saúde.
KEYWORDS: Self-care. Prevention of diseases. Intersectoral collaboration. Health.
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: to report the experience of the participation of three resident professionals in an intersectoral training of the “Steps to a Better Life” project, run by the Municipal Health Department of a municipality in the State of São Paulo. MATERIALS AND METHODS: this is a descriptive study, of the experience report type, resulting from the experience of activities that took place between the months of May and August 2023. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: insertion in the formation and concreteness of the project' s actions , meant the opportunity to enhance the training process, as well as expand reflections on the importance of being a disseminator of self-care practices that can improve the quality of health care. Furthermore, it was possible to observe from the reports of the other participants that the training contributed to forming individuals with a critical and creative conscience, in addition to providing, through actions, greater bonds and sharing of knowledge with the community. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the training fulfilled its objectives by awakening the interest and knowledge of several professionals about aspects of self-care, healthy habits and the planning of intersectoral actions on topics for the population.
Abimael de Carvalho
Anderson Leonardo Sousa Cardoso
Caroline Martins Moreira Vidal Neiva
Danielton Castro de França
Fausto Augusto Damasceno Mesquita Neto
João Guedes Mendes Lima
Milena Alves de Araújo
Rebeca Lins de Carvalho
Vitória Caroline Freitas Monteiro
Yasmine Castelo Branco dos Anjos
Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino