DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-995572-0-0/04

PALAVRAS CHAVE: Coronavírus. Pandemia. Profissionais de Saúde.

KEYWORDS: Coronavirus. Pandemic. Health professionals.

ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: To describe the scientific evidences about the challenges of the multidisciplinary clinical care team during the COVID-19 pandemic. MATERIALS ANDMETHODS: This is a narrative review of the literature carried out by completed and original articles published in the following databases: LILACS, SCIELO e PUBMED; and they had bewritten in Portuguese or English, as well as they had be published between 20020-2021. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: From the search of the literature about the challenges of the multidisciplinary clinical care team in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, they were chosen 11 articles to the present study, basing it on the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The new coronavirus brings immediate changes for the public health, whether in the attendance process or in the expectations of the professionals on the front line, the multidisciplinary work is a challenge to the health professionals. FINALCONSIDERATIONS: Based on the studies used to this review, it could had ratify the actual challenges to the multidisciplinary clinical care team during the COVID-19 pandemic. From these challenges, it was perceived the importance of the humanization and the caution of the professionals because, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the care had to be reinforced, becoming the multidisciplinary clinical care team the front line to treatment and prevention of this disease.


  • Bruna Teresa Alves dos Reis

  • José Renêr Ferreira Penha

  • Letícia Gomes de Oliveira

  • Maria Jaciele de Jesus Matos

  • Taynara Da Costa Silva

Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino