DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-84528-01-7/01

PALAVRAS CHAVE: Estudante de Enfermagem. Estágio Clínico. Cuidados de Enfermagem. Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.

KEYWORDS: Nursing Student. Clinical Internship. Nursing Care. Intensive Care Unit.

ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: Report the experience of nursing students during a supervised internship in an Intensive Care Unit. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experience report, based on the experience of nursing students during a supervised internship of the Hospital Internship discipline, from June to September 2021, in a cardiopulmonary unit of a reference hospital in the state of Ceará. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: It was noticed that the knowledge acquired during the theoretical classes in the exercise of college, supported the practices in the routine of the hospital unit. Among the various activities performed by the students, the following stand out: shift changes, preparation and administration of medications, handling of infusion pumps, filling out scales, passing an indwelling urinary catheter, as well as carrying out the Systematization of Nursing Care, being this is of paramount importance in nursing practice, as it provides the planning, implementation and evaluation of the care provided, according to the needs of each patient. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: It is concluded that the experience acquired in this internship was enriching and provided the consolidation of knowledge learned at the university, as well as the development of skills and competencies that are important for professional practice.


  • Andressa Suelly Saturnino de Oliveira

  • Deborah da Silva Jardilino

  • Iorana Candido da Silva

  • Marcos Nascimento dos Santos

  • Maria Rayssa do Nascimento Nogueira

  • Raphaella Castro Jansen

Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino