DOI: 10.53524/lit.edt.978-65-995572-0-0/07

PALAVRAS CHAVE: Saúde pública. COVID-19. Pandemia. Infecções por Coronavírus.

KEYWORDS: Public health. COVID-19. Pandemic. Coronavirus infections.

ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: To analyze from the scientific literature the challenges faced by public health in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a narrative review of the literature, carried out in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) virtual library and in the Google Scholar virtual search engine, using the following descriptors: pandemic; public health; COVID-19. The following inclusion criteria were used: articles that addressed the subject in question, that met the proposed objectives, published in national or international journals, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, indexed in the virtual library and in the aforementioned search engine. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A total of 43 studies were found, after analysis, 07 texts remained suitable for this review. The literature addresses that public health challenges in the midst of the pandemic are numerous and multifaceted. Among the challenges observed are: scarcity of inputs, human resources, health infrastructure, availability of diagnostic tests, overload in the working hours of health professionals, and morbidity and mortality rates. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: There was a scarcity of articles that address the subject in question. It emphasizes the need for proactive investments in infrastructure and public health capacity, as well as improvements in management, in order to achieve an effective response against COVID-19.


  • Catarina Januária Mendes da Costa Lago

  • Clóvis Corrêa de Carvalho

  • Gedeilson Bonfim da Rocha

  • Jaime da Paz Neto

  • Luana Miranda de Almeida

  • Mariana Ayremoraes Barbosa

  • Napoleão Bonaparte de Sousa Júnior

  • Renata Natoeli dos Santos Barros

  • Sarah Isabel Magalhães Rios

  • Tiago Teixeira da Rocha Santiago

Desenvolvido por Alexsander Arcelino